We took everything your business needs and put it in a cost effective package, then let you earn free credits towards other services.

There are some things which every business needs, so why buy them separately at full price when the can be cost effectively bundled and discounted. Our standardised bundles are the key to even better support, faster resolution times, and minimum downtime.

You’ll probably need some other services too, but not everything. That’s where Monthly Credits come in. Earn Monthly Credits with your chosen bundle and spend them on the extra services your businesses actually needs.

If you need additional services, simply top up your Monthly Credits. This gives you total flexibility and ensures your always getting the perfect solution at the best possible price.

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Customer satisfaction


Same Day Resolution


No Queue Time

Cost Effective

Per User Bundles


Basic IT Support
  • Remote Workstation Support
  • Remote Cloud Support
  • Anti-Virus
  • Website Vulnerability Monitoring
  • 1 Monthly Credit

Perfect for business that just want the basics covered.


Standard IT Support
  • Remote Workstation Support
  • Remote Cloud Support
  • Anti-Virus
  • Website Vulnerability Monitoring
  • Cyber Essentials
  • Domain Renewal (x1)
  • Website Hosting (x1)
  • SSL Certification Renewal (x1)
  • Hosted VoIP Platform
  • Hosted Backup Platform
  • 4 Monthly Credits


Perfect for most businesses, a great balance between features and value.


Premium IT Support
  • Remote Workstation Support
  • Remote Cloud Support
  • Anti-Virus
  • Website Vulnerability Monitoring
  • Cyber Essentials
  • Domain Renewal (x3)
  • Website Hosting (x3)
  • SSL Certification Renewal (x3)
  • Hosted VoIP Platform
  • Hosted Backup Platform
  • Security and Auditing Platform
  • Password Management Platform
  • 10 Monthly Credits

The best option for businesses that want to take advantage of every services, including enhanced security packages.

Customise your support to work for your business

Allocate Your Free Monthly Credits!

1 Monthly Credit

  • Hosted VoIP Platform (1 User)
  • Hosted Backup Platform (100 GB)
  • Security and Auditing Platform (1 Device)
  • Password Management Platform (1 User)
  • +2 Users: VoIP with call package
  • +200 GB: Cloud Backup Storage
  • +5 Devices: Security and Auditing
  • +5 Users: Password Management
  • ADSL Broadband

3 Monthly Credits

  • +10 Users: VoIP with call package
  • +1,000 GB: Cloud Backup Storage
  • +30 Devices: Security and Auditing
  • +30 Users: Password Management
  • Fibre Broadband

10 Monthly Credits

  • +40 Users: VoIP with call package
  • +10,000 GB: Cloud Backup Storage
  • +120 Devices: Security and Auditing
  • +120 Users: Password Management
  • Leased Line (subject to terms/pricing)
Cost effective purchasing power

Extra Credits As Required

1 Monthly Credit

3 Monthly Credits

10 Monthly Credits

A new and better way

Why our model is better

1. Individual Products Model

In the beginning there was only IT Support. Purchasing IT Support was simple, there way just one price to check and one solution on offer, but that quickly changed.

Todays businesses buy many additional solutions. From websites to SPAM filters, VOIP to Backup, and the list keeps growing.

The initial naïve solution was for IT providers to price each solution individually and let the customer pick and choose what they wanted to buy.

But this quickly becomes very expensive for the customer. Each individual product has a safety margin of profit built in, there is no way to offer real value using this model.


2. Bundled Products Model

As the number of solutions offered by IT providers grew and grew they needed a better pricing model, so they started to offer discounted bundles.

By adding products into predefined bundles, IT providers could offer far more competitive pricing.

But every business is different. A product that may be high priority for one business, may  be barely be significant to another.

This meant businesses had to pay for solutions they didn’t want or need as they were baked into the bundle with other products the business required.

Again it just wasn’t possible to offer the customer real value. 

3. Hero's New Model

Now there is a better way to buy your IT services and solutions with Hero’s new Bundles with Monthly Credits model.

Hero first offers smaller and more focused product bundles, that contain the core products that would work for any business.

Then we offer built in Monthly Credits that let you take control and customise the bundle to contain the other services your business would benefit most from.

Gone are the days of paying for solutions you don’t want and hardly use. With our new model you can cost effectively target the solutions you need and maximise your IT budget.


We just need a few details

Get a sample contract

Please provide as much information as you can, so we can provide you with the most accurate prices. If your not sure about any of the information, don’t worry, we can always enhance the contract later with more accurate information and pricing. Hero’s contracts are designed to be flexible and change with your business requirements.

Location? Industry? Number of users? Preferred IT Support Package? Additional Monthly Credits? Out of Hours cover?

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Over 15 years of world class service

Qualified, Accredited, Trusted

5 Star Reviews

ISO 27001 Certified

Microsoft Partner

Cyber Essentials Certified